


讲座时间:2019.02.18  9:00—11:00


主题:Penetration of Smart Manufacturing Technologies: Challenges and Recommendations


 Smart or Intelligent Manufacturing has been considered an innovative way to boost the capability of the manufacturing sector. Nevertheless, how to achieve this objective is still unclear. The study consists of a number of semi-structured interviews with different manufacturing enterprises, who has adopted different degree of smart manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing, from different industries in China, which is the largest manufacturing hub in the world, on this topic. The objectives of this study are to understand (1) the offerings and challenges of such techniques from different manufacturing industries; and (2) how does the penetration of these technologies in manufacturing process improve performance. Recommendations for the enterprises, governing bodies, and higher education institutes or research centres will be discussed.


 Professor Hing Kai Chan joined the Nottingham University Business School China in September 2014, and is a Professor of Operations Management. Prior to joining the School, he was a Senior Lecturer in the Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia in UK. He worked in the electronic manufacturing industry over 10 years before joining the academia.

Professor Chan has published over 100 peer-reviewed academic articles and (co-)edited several special issues for reputable international journals. His publications appear in Production and Operations ManagementEuropean Journal of Operational Research, various IEEE TransactionsDecision Support SystemsInternational Journal of Production EconomicsInternational Journal of Production Research, among others. He has been the co-editor of Industrial Management & Data Systems (SCI-indexed) since 2014, and is an associated editor of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (SCI-indexed) since 2018. He was the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (SCI-indexed) from 2009 to 2015, and the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (SCI-indexed) from 2014-2017. Professor Chan also serves as an Editorial Board Member (or similar) in a number of journals such as International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (SSCI-indexed), Online Information Review (SCI-indexed).

Professor Chan is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), and the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He is also a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Professor Chan is a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Marketer.