【讲座预告】Optimal Multi-unit Allocation with Costly Verification


讲座时间:2019.09.12  10:00—11:30


主题:Optimal Multi-unit Allocation with Costly Verification


A principal has n homogeneous objects to allocate to I > n ≥ 2 agents. The principal can allocate at most one good to an agent and the agents strictly prefer to receive a good than not receiving one. Agents also have private information which determines the value to the principal of allocating the goods. There are no monetary transfers but the principal can check the value associated with any agent at a cost which may vary across agents. We explicitly find the mechanism which maximizes the net expected payoff to the principal. The optimal mechanism has a simple interpretation. That is, it specifies for each value profile a cutoff which divides the agents into two groups. Across groups, the principal’s trade-off between allocation efficiency, i.e., allocating the goods to high valued agents, and the checking cost differs. Within the first group, none of the agents who obtain the goods is checked. That is, some efficiency is sacrificed for saving the checking cost. Within the second group, however, the allocation is efficient but anyone who obtains a good must have been checked. We also compare the payoffs to the principal under the optimal mechanism and under an alternative mechanism that allocates the goods one by one, where the single-good optimal mechanism is used in each step. We find necessary and sufficient conditions under which the two mechanisms coincide (or, equivalently, conditions under which the optimal mechanism delivers a strictly higher payoff to the principal).


 Fang Liu is currently an assistant professor at Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University. She received her PhD in Operations Management from Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Her primary research interests are in humanitarian operations, mechanism design, and sustainable operations. She is currently working on multiple projects, including studies on the prepositioning and pooling strategy of emergency supplies. Her paper has appeared in Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operaions Management and Production and Operations Management. She is a reviewer for many top journals such as Operations Research, Math of OR, MSOM, and POMS.