



主持人:李想 教授

报告人:Francisco Saldanha da Gama, University of Lisbon, Portugal

主题:Multi-period stochastic facility location problems in the context of logistics network design


In the past decades logistics network design has been a very active research field. This is an area where facility location and logistics are strongly intertwined, which is explained by the fact that many researchers working in Logistics address very often location problems as part of the strategic/tactical logistics decisions. Despite all the work done, the economic globalization together with the emergence of new technologies and communication paradigms are posing new challenges when it comes to developing optimization models for supporting decision making in this area. Dealing with time and uncertainty has become unavoidable in many situations. In this presentation, different modeling aspects related with the inclusion of time and uncertainty in facility location problems are discussed. The goal is to better understand problems that are at the core of more comprehensive ones in logistics network design. By considering time explicitly in the models it becomes possible to capture some features of practical relevance that cannot be appropriately captured in a static setting; by considering a stochastic modeling framework it is possible to build risk-aware models. Unfortunately, the resulting models are often too large and thus hard to tackle even when using specially tailored procedures. This raises a query: is there a clear gain when considering a more involved model instead of a simplified one (e.g. deterministic or static)? In search for an answer to this question, some measures are discussed such as the value of a multi-period solution.


Francisco Saldanha da Gama is professor of Operations Research at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, where he received his Ph.D. in 2002. He has extensively published papers in scientific international journals mostly in the areas of location analysis, supply chain management, logistics and combinatorial optimization. Together with Stefan Nickel, he has been awarded the EURO prize for the best EJOR review paper (2012) and the Elsevier prize for the EJOR top cited article 2007--2011 (2012), both with the paper entitled Facility location and supply chain management---A review. He is member of various international scientific organizations such as the EURO Working Group on Location Analysis of which he is one the past coordinators. Currently, he is editor-in-chief of Computers & Operations Research. His research interests include stochastic mixed integer optimization, location theory and project scheduling.